вторник, 7 октября 2014 г.

                  Communication. Body language

     There are somewhere in the region of 5000 languages on Earth. It’s true that it is impossible to learn and understand them all but there is one language that is understandable for every person, no matter what his or her mother tongue is. It is called body language.
     Body language is a combination of gestures, facial expressions and postures which we display every second of our lives. Even so we usually don’t pay much attention on it and don’t even bear in mind that without body language our communication would be dull and colourless.
     There are stacks of gestures. Some are well-known and easy to grasp, while other require more attention, otherwise they could be misinterpreted.  Undoubtedly, a vital role plays personality. Some people are introverted and display almost any sign of emotion; others are rather active and full of energy and their gestures can sometimes be excessive
     In any case, it is always interesting to observe people’s gestures and postures and make generalizations about their feelings.
     There are some common gestures often used by students. For example, students usually avoid eye contact and try not to stand out from the crowd when they don’t want to be asked. 

     Sometimes students go red because they are very nervous before the speech or oral answer. Of course, going red not necessarily means being nervous. Also it could be because a student didn’t prepare for classes and is really embarrassed.
     Behavior is opposite when students are well-prepared. They are very confident; they are putting their hands up all the time.

     Right before getting to know their module results students might be biting their nails or having sweaty palms

     If module results are good they express their happiness by throwing clenched fists up in the air.

     When students are bored with lecture they start to fiddle with their hair, pens or pencils or anything they have at hand.

      By and large, there is huge amount of interesting gestures which is displayed by people who surround you. Be more observant and you’ll definitely notice them!   

5 комментариев:

  1. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

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  3. Indeed, there are loads of gestures which help us to express ourselves. Body language is extremely useful because with its help we can show a lot of emotions. Every gesture displays different feeling. You have mentioned cases when people avoid eye contact, go red, bite their nails, have sweaty palms and others. To be honest, I think you faced the prospect of observing people’s behaviour in order to make these generalizations. Still, I must admit that you have an insight into body language as there is no gesture which you misinterpreted.

  4. The title of your blog is a perfect example for this theme. I agree, actions speak louder than words that`s why it`s more useful to observe how the person behaves (maintaining eye contact, fiddling with the hair, stroking a chin). Try to be very careful during the conversation now!)

  5. They say, the most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said. Actually, body language helps us to understand the implication in every speech of our interlocutors and it's true that body language is understandable for every person, no matter what his or her mother tongue is. However, it's important to bear in mind that some gestures can be misintepreted. I see that you have an insight into using body language. Continue to be observant!
