воскресенье, 26 апреля 2015 г.

                  A message for the freshers

Dear freshers!
   My course of English Vocabulary came to an end but yours will only begin the next year so I hope that some pieces of advice that I’m going to give you in this blogpost will come in useful.
   To begin with, you should grasp the importance of this subject and do your best to pass it with flying colors. I honestly think that it is one of the most important courses as it helps you enrich your vocabulary, learn how to use it in your speaking tasks and, what is more, it provides  an opportunity to give creating your own blog a try.
   Here you should remember that putting off writing your blogposts is a recipe for disaster. I know that sometimes you don’t really have a burning desire to do it but procrastinating until last night is not a highly effective way to make the grade. Doing everything on time will not only help you not to fall behind with your tasks but also win the respect of your teacher easily.   
   During this course you should come to terms with the fact that you will be inundated with stocks of words. Learning them by heart may seem a daunting task on the surface. However, it is not that difficult if you learn and revise them on regular basis. Do NOT put off learning all words till the night before the module. You may not be able to cover a lot of ground for such a short period and, as a result, your module will be a dismal failure.
   By and large, it takes a lot of efforts to make good progress while doing the course of English Vocabulary but having studied diligently you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your hard work.
   I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart !!! 


суббота, 18 апреля 2015 г.

                       Green Ukraine 2030 

  Who hasn’t heard the phrase «The Earth is our home»? We all know that without it we won’t be able to survive. The Earth gives us everything that we have: food, water, shelter. So why instead of taking a proper care of it we are destroying it day after day? We can already see the dire consequences of our reckless behavior: global warming, holes in the ozone layer, biodiversity reduction and many others. 
    Nowadays, however, people are beginning to realize how important it is to change the situation. Environmental problem is becoming a burning issue. The governments in different countries have already set up a bunch of different environmental projects. It’s time for Ukraine to start to take this seriously too. 
    Here are some ideas that might be useful for the project «Green Ukraine 2030»
    The first thing to do would be carrying out an advertising campaign in mass media that will provide information about protection of the environment. In this way people will become aware of the scope of the problem and understand that is absolutely vital to do our bit in it. A lot of people don’t want to be involved in it because they think that being green is time-consuming and very expensive. However, most green technologies are designed to conserve energy and therefore can save us a lot of money. People should understand that there are so many easy ways to become more sustainable. We are all creatures of habit, and changing our behavior takes some time but if we don’t change our ways it will lead to the environmental catastrophe.  

  • Switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs. It will reduce our carbon footprint as these light bulbs save about 300 pounds of carbon dioxide a year.
  • Do not leave appliances on standby.
  • Insulate and weatherize our home. Properly insulating our walls and ceilings can save 25% of our home heating bill and 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide a year
  • To maximize the energy saving try to use less hot water, use the washing machine or dishwasher only when they are full and take a shower instead of a bath.
Mobility & Transportation
  • To reduce the amount of exhaust fumes, decrease the number of miles we drive by walking or using a bike.
  • Start a carpool with our coworkers or classmates. Sharing a ride with someone just 2 days a week will reduce the vehicle emissions considerably.
  • Drive carefully and do not waste fuel. We can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by readjusting our driving style. Choose proper gears, use the engine brake instead of the pedal brake when possible and turn off our engine when a vehicle is motionless for more than one minute.
  • When it is time for a new car, choose a more fuel efficient vehicle.We can save 3,000 pounds of carbon dioxide every year if our new cars get only 3 miles per gallon more than our current ones.
Landscape and Irrigation
  • Use gutters or rain barrels to help capture rain water and direct it to areas where it can soak into the soil. This helps break down pollutants such as pesticides, herbicides, oils and greases that are harmful to the environment.
  • To enrich the soil around the plants use compost. This will help to return nutrients to the soil that the plants need without adding chemical fertilizers.
  • Since trees and other plants rely on their leaves to produce energy for their survival, always prune them sparingly. Overpruning can lead to dieback and loss of the plant.
Waste Reduction and Recycling
  • Reuse our shopping bags. When shopping, it saves energy and waste to use a reusable bag instead of accepting a disposable one in each shop.
  • Build a compost bin. We can reuse many waste items, such as eggshells and old tea bags, using it. This waste then degrades and turns into compost that can be used to help our gardens grow.
  • Rechargeable batteries can be reused many times before they need throwing away, opposed to regular batteries that create unnecessary waste.
  • Jars and pots. By cleaning glass jars and small pots, we can use them as small containers to store odds and ends.
    These are the simple rules that almost everyone has heard of. They do not require huge expenses from the government. What they require is personal responsibility and desire to help our environment. Doing them on a regular basis, we will avert an eco-disaster and make the place where we live better. 


понедельник, 6 апреля 2015 г.

                                                               How to lose a guy
    New York is a vibrant city with millions of people. So is there any chance that you will meet the love of your life in this huge crowd?  You can never tell. However, what is known for sure is that love will appear in your life unexpectedly, just like it happened in this story.
  Kate was a kind of woman that everyone can only be jealous of. Elegant and immaculately groomed she was always in the center of attention. What’s more important, she was gregarious, easy-going and had a good sense of humor. So whoever met her was captivated by her charisma and took to her immediately. However, Kate’s life wasn’t as perfect as it might have seemed on the surface. She worked as a journalist and wrote her own column in a famous women’s magazine. The job was good but it didn’t give Kate a chance to show her real potential. Instead of writing trivial things she wanted to give covering political stories a go. However, she had to come to terms with her boss, who didn’t allow her to write what she wanted.  
  The only thing that cheered Kate up was her friend Jennie. They had known each other for years and formed a lasting friendship. When something bad happened, they always supported each other. Jennie was an attractive young woman too but she wasn’t very lucky in relationships and always got dumped. When Kate came to her that time and saw her face in tears she understood what had happened right away.  


    After Kate’s boss approved her idea, Jennie and Kate went to a party to find a guy. By pure chance Kate found an ideal candidate - Ben. He had a striking appearance. Ben was well-built and handsome, with blonde hair and blue eyes. It was definitely Kate’s type. She came to him and started chat him up, and at the end of the party he asked her out on a date.
  That’s how their relationship started. At first all was perfect but then Kate became a real pain in the neck. Sometimes she was aloof, sometimes quarrelsome; she started to do everything to fall out with Ben. He couldn’t bear a grudge for a long time and always tried to make it up with Kate, because he was crazy about her. Finally, he decided to have a straight talk with her. 

      After few days, Ben saw a new issue of the magazine where Kate’s column was written. He decided to read it. When he opened a magazine and saw the lines: «When I started writing this month’s column, I wanted to commit those certain, silly dating mistakes. What I didn’t realize was that I was making the biggest mistake of all... I lost the only guy I’ve ever fallen for… The days that I spent with him were the best in my life…» Ben understood that Kate’s feelings were sincere too.
     So Ben went to Kate to reconcile with her one more time and be with her for good.